102 Spanish Restaurant Phrases: How To Order Food in Spanish
Ultimate Guide to Ordering Food in Spanish
Traveling to Latin America or Spain? On today’s menu, we’re serving up the Spanish Restaurant and Food Guide so you can enjoy the local cuisine stress-free. Don’t go hungry because you don’t know how to order in Spanish!
Essential Spanish Restaurant Phrases
Let’s start off with an appetizer (aperitivo) covering all the basics you’re more than likely to encounter the moment you enter a restaurant. Spruce up your Spanish travel vocabulary with these dishes, eateries, foods, and drinks:
Setting the Table (Poniendo La Mesa)
- el primer plato/entrante/entrada: starter
- la/s tapa/s: small dish
- una media ración: a half portion
- una ración: full portion
- segundo: main meal
- el plato combinado: mixed plate (a main course and side dish together)
- plato fuerte: entrée
- el postre: dessert
- la mesa: the table
- el menú: the menu
- el plato: plate/dish
- el tenedor: fork
- la cuchara: spoon
- el cuchillo: knife
- la servilleta: napkin
- la sal/el salero: salt/salt shaker
- la pimienta/el pimentero: pepper/pepper shaker
- la cuenta: bill
- no/sí, gracias: no/yes, thank you
- el camarero/mesero: waiter
- la camarera/mesera: waitress
Where Am I? (¿Dónde Estoy?)
- el restaurante: the restaurant
- el bar: the bar
- la tasca: the tavern
- la cafetería: the café
- el mesón: the rustic inn
On the Menu (En el Menú)
- el solomillo: the tenderloin
- el filete/pescado: the fillet/fish
- la ternera: the beef/veal
- el bistec: the steak
- el pollo: the chicken
- la carne de cerdo: the pork
- con salsa: with sauce
- la sopa: the soup
- el pulpo: the octopus
- las patatas/papas: the potatoes
- el bocadillo, el montadito: the sandwich/snack
- los pasteles: the pastries
- torta: cake
Salivating yet? Check out this useful list of common Spanish meals that you’re bound to encounter on any menu during your travels.
Can I Buy You a Drink? (¿Puedo Invitarte a Una Copa?)
- agua (sin gas/con gas): (still/sparkling) water
- la cerveza: the beer (bottle)
- una caña: beer (small draft)
- el vino tinto/blanco: the red/white wine
- el refresco: the soft drink
- el té: the tea
- el café (sólo/con leche): coffee (black/with milk)
- la copa: the glass (for wine)
- el vaso: the glass (for water)
Navigating the Restaurant

You’ve walked through the doors of el restaurante. Maybe you’ve made a reservation, or you aren’t sure if you should wait to be seated. Meanwhile, your stomach rumbles with hunger. Let’s get you seated and ready to place in order in Spanish!
- Quisiera hacer una reserva para _ persona(s): I would like to make a reservation for _ people.
- ¿Bajo el nombre de quién?: Under whose name?
- ¿Podría sentarme en el bar?: Can I sit at the bar?
- ¿Puedo ver el menú, por favor?: Can I see the menu, please?
- ¿Cuál es la comida típica de esta región?: What is the typical food of this region?
- ¿Qué me recomienda?: What do you recommend?
Useful Spanish Phrases for Ordering Food
Now, onto the main course! This list will teach you how to order food in Spanish in no time:
- Soy vegetariano/vegetariana: I’m vegetarian
- ¿Tienen algún plato vegetariano?: Do you have any vegetarian dishes?
- Tengo alérgia a __: I’m allergic to __
- No como __: I don’t eat __
- Un momento por favor: One moment, please
- Necesitamos más tiempo para decidir: We need more time to decide.
- Estoy/Estamos listos para ordenar/pedir: I/We are ready to order.
- Quisiera _____: I would like ___
- bien cocido: well-done
- medio: medium
- poco cocido/rojo: rare
- ¿Puede darme __?: Can you give me __?
- ¿Cuál es el plato del dia? What is the dish of the day?
- ¿Cuál es la comida típica de esta región? What is the typical food of this region?
- ¿Hay alguna especialidad de la casa?: Is there a house specialty?
- ¿Qué recomienda usted?: What do you recommend?
- ¿Qué lleva el plato?: What is in the dish?
- ¿Qué está incluido?: What is included?
- ¿Viene con ensalada?: Does it come with salad?
- ¿Cuál es la sopa del día?: What is the soup of the day?
Spanish Restaurant Phrases for Waiters (Frases Comunes en Restaurantes Para Meseros)
- ¿Qué desea comer? What would you like to eat?
- ¿Qué desea beber? What would you like to drink?
- ¿Están listos para ordenar? Are you ready to order?
- ¿Qué desea ordenar?: What would you like to order?
- ¿Qué quiere? What do you want?
- ¿Lo siento/Lamento, no tenemos __: Sorry, we don’t have__
- ¿Cómo está todo?: How is everything?
- ¿Todo está bien?: Is everything okay?
- ¡Buen provecho!: Enjoy your meal!
This may be shocking to many, but you don’t have to go overseas to speak restaurant Spanish! Have you heard of Calle 8? You can head on down to South Florida to practice your Spanish in the Latin restaurants of Miami. Spanish is best learned over food!
Once Your Food Has Arrived, Munch on These Phrases
There is no better feeling than seeing your waiter (mesero) approach your table with a tray of piping hot food. Put your Spanish restaurant dialogue to the test with these phrases that are guaranteed to get you through the meal and successfully pay for your service without getting lost in communication:
- ¡Estuvo delicioso!: That was delicious!
- Esto no es lo que he pedido: This is not what I ordered.
- No gracias, estoy a reventar/ estoy lleno: No thank you, I’m bursting/full.
- ¿Tienen una caja para llevar? Do you have a take-away box?
- la propina: tip
- ¿La propina está incluida?: Is the tip included?
- Nos gustaría pagar juntos: We’d like to pay together.
- Nos gustaría pagar por separado: We’d like to pay separately.
- la tarjeta de crédito: credit card
- ¿Débito o crédito? Debit or credit?
- dinero efectivo: cash
- ¿Acepta usted cheques de viajero?: Do you accept travelers’ checks?
- ¿Señor/Señora, la cuenta, por favor?: Mr./Ms. the bill, please?
Is Your Belly Full With Spanish Travel Vocabulary?
Communication is an important part of our everyday lives, even more so when traveling to a foreign country. Becoming acquainted with Spanish will give you a leg up in better understanding the culture so you can make the most out of your trip (and meals).
If you’re still hungry for more Spanish lessons, start your 7-day Pimsleur Spanish Free Trial – you’ll be speaking like a pro in no time!
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