Advance Your Career, Boost Creativity, Slow Cognitive Aging or Improve Problem-Solving Skills.
Whatever Your Goal, Learning a New Language is the Key
In today’s day and age, almost everything is global. Business, music and media, technology, fashion – you name it.
As our world becomes increasingly globalized and connected, you may encounter more and more people from different backgrounds that speak different languages.
There are many advantages that come with bilingual or multilingualism. For example, the ability to understand multiple languages is a highly desired quality in the workplace. Furthermore, the skill is valuable for the purpose of communication across borders in general.
Let’s take a look at some of the major benefits of learning a new language and how they can impact your career.
Major Benefits of Learning a Foreign Language
Most notably, knowing another language looks great on a resume. But why? First of all, it makes you stand out against other candidates and gives you a clear competitive advantage.
But did you know that a second language can benefit both your professional career AND your own personal growth as well?
Let’s explain the benefits of learning a foreign language.
Benefits of Learning a Foreign Language for Business
According to the New American Economy, the demand for bilingual employees in the United States has increased more than double since 2010. If you are able to fill that demand, you are seen as a highly valued prospect.
Your resume stands out from others in the fact that you can speak a second language, but multilingual employees are also valued for other reasons. Learning and knowing a second language requires your brain to work harder and think differently, and this translates to your overall work habits in several ways.
Polyglots (someone who is able to use several languages) are known to be:
- Better at multitasking
- More creative
- More productive
- And the obvious, better at communication
Forbes goes into detail about the power of language and the effects that a second language has on your career.
Cognitive Benefits of Learning a Second Language
Aside from job opportunities, learning a foreign language is beneficial to your personal growth outside of a career. In fact, the main benefit of being multilingual is brain stimulation.
Through learning and knowing a second language, you have to use your brain for an entirely new thought process. And this stimulation is proven to:
- Slow cognitive aging
- Boost creativity
- Improve problem-solving skills
- Enhance the ability to multitask
Think of it like this:
You begin to play a new sport. As you start to work a new set of muscles, your body becomes stronger and faster. But in the case of language learning, your brain is the muscle that is working out and strengthening.
But that’s not all!
Another major personal benefit of speaking a new language is the ease of traveling. If you travel to a new country and understand the language, it makes navigating and communicating that much easier.
Fast Facts About Language
Here are some interesting facts about languages all over the world:
- Studies estimate that around 50% of the world’s population is bilingual.
- Around 56% of Europeans speak more than one language, while only around 20% of Americans speak a foreign language.
- Despite the majority of Americans relying solely on English, there is no official language of the United States.
- The most common second language learned worldwide is English, followed by French, Spanish, and German.
- Once you’ve learned a second new language, it is much easier to then learn a third.
Best Ways to Learn a New Language
There are many ways to learn a foreign language. However, one of the best ways is to live it.
That’s right, full immersion is a great way to pick up a new language!
But how?
The answer is simple: by living in a country that speaks a different language, you are forced to read and listen to native speakers every day. This means you will constantly have to learn and practice in real-time in order to navigate through your daily life.
But here’s the catch…
This is not the most realistic method of language learning. Most people don’t have the time or money to move their life to a new country just to learn a second language.
However, you can subscribe to a language learning service and learn through reading, writing, and speaking in daily or weekly lessons. There are even language learning mobile apps for quick, on the go lessons that are easy to practice day by day.
Reap the Benefits of Learning a Foreign Language
Whether you want to work out your brain, slow down cognitive aging, or advance your career by speaking a new language, Pimsleur can help you achieve your language learning goals.
Choose from over 50 different languages and begin your journey to becoming multilingual. We will give you the preparation and confidence you need to become a fluent speaker.
2 Comments for "Learn a New Language in 2020 and Reap the Benefits"
It’s hard to imagine a young person nowadays who doesn’t speak or study at least one language besides their mother tongue. Globalization forces so many people to communicate and cooperate more in a variety of businesses. Learning other languages is not really as easy as it seems but currently, I am improving in my French and Español with the help of Duolingo. I think I should take another language soon enough. You shared a very excellent piece here.
With the widespread globalization of different industries, being a polyglot is definitely a big advantage. Not only would it look colourful to your resume but it would also seem like you’re internationally credible. It’s best to learn languages that are the most used as most businesses have customers in that market or would want to tap in that market. Here’s a list of best languages to learn: https://www.tomedes.com/translator-hub/15-best-languages