

Russian New Year and Russian Christmas Russian New Year and Russian Christmas
Russian Winter Holiday traditions and celebrations are the longest and most anticipated of the year, running from the end of December until mid-January.  The Russian New Year's and Russian Orthodox Christmas season is marked with what a Westerner would call a Christmas tree, but in Russia is called a "New Year Tree," Novogodnyaya Yolka. Read More >>

Beyond the Gondolas and the Colosseum: Top 10 Offbeat Sites to See When you Travel to Italy In choosing my Top 10 places to see on your travel to Italy I purposely avoided Rome, Florence, and Venice, the cities most visited by tourists on their first travel to Italy.  If you've missed Part 1 of my Top 10 places to visit when you travel to Italy, you can check it out here.  Otherwise, let's continue with the 5 remaining off the beaten path destinations in Italy. Read More >>