Learn French on YouTube
YouTube isn’t just for cat videos and gamers, there’s a whole world of language learning available, for free, on the video platform. These range from classroom-style lessons with a native French teacher to comedy skits to get you laughing and learning to travel-inspired videos in Francophone destinations.
Plus, one big benefit of practicing French on YouTube is that most videos are short and sweet at around 15-minutes long. This means you easily fit a video or two into your daily routine and watch them on the go.
Best YouTube Channels for Practicing French
1. Learn French with Alexa
Learn French with Alexa has hundreds of videos that are dedicated to helping you learn French. They’re usually only five to ten minutes long and focus on one specific aspect of the language—such as numbers, reflexive verbs, or talking about family.
Plus, Alexa’s teaching style includes plenty of humor and silliness with skits, costumes, and props to keep things entertaining. There are new lessons every week and she also does live Q&As every fortnight for members of the channel. It’s a great place for beginners to get started and intermediates to brush up on the basics.
Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/learnfrenchwithalexa
2. French Pod 101
You may have heard of the FrenchPod101 podcasts, but they also have a YouTube channel. They have new videos every few days ranging from short and sweet five-minute videos to six-hour-long language marathons.
Videos range from those focused on an aspect of the language, like expressions about the environment, to those focused on language learning in general, like 10 habits of effective learners. Head to the playlists to find lessons for beginners up to advanced speakers.
Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/frenchpod101
Recommended video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hoxNH9idBYA&t=2s
3. Cyprien
With almost 14 million subscribers, it’s fair to say that Cyprien is a popular French-language YouTube channel. If you’re an intermediate learner and looking to move away from lessons to something more natural, check out Cyprien’s channel for comedy sketches and short films.
Videos are usually 10 to 20 minutes long and feature Cyprien’s comedic take on everyday topics. Expect plenty of slang and very fast-paced language but there’s usually both English and French subtitles available on each video.
Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/MonsieurDream/featured
4. Bruno Maltor
Another French-language YouTube channel for intermediate to advanced learners, Bruno Maltor is a French travel vlogger who takes his viewers around the world to French-speaking destinations like France, Quebec and Réunion as well as further afield like India, Singapore and Australia.
Be warned, Bruno does speak fast, but the subtitles come in handy and you’ll get a 15-minute hit of natural French, and wanderlust, each time you watch.
Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/VotreTourDuMonde
5. Coffee Break Languages
Another YouTube channel that started life as a podcast, Coffee Break Languages, has videos on several languages, but their French selection is particularly great. Videos are usually only five minutes long so, as the name suggests, they’re perfect for taking in on your coffee break.
They range from grammar and vocabulary lessons filmed by teachers to videos that see the hosts out and about speaking French in the real world. There are also plenty of native speakers with a variety of accents.
Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/radiolingua/featured
6. Learn French With Pascal
For classroom-style lessons, try Learn French with Pascal where teacher, Pascal, has lessons ranging from beginner to advanced level. These are taught with graphics, cartoons and a whiteboard-style presentation.
Despite the classroom style, lessons are short at two to ten minutes long and focus on one specific topic ranging from grammar to vocabulary to current events.
Looking to learn or practice a certain topic? Head to the playlists which are split into themes, like lessons on the French future tense or parts of the body, so you can binge-watch videos until you’re an expert.
Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvirLHlKtDvRBB6mHDqgdpg
7. Learn French with Frencheezi
With videos for beginners all the way up to advanced learners, Learn French with Frecheezi is a great option to learn the language with Cindy, a native French teacher.
There are the typical lessons you’d expect, like those focused on grammar, explanations of pronunciation and everyday topics. But there are also some unusual videos to explore like stories written and read with learners in mind and tips on language learning itself like how to stop translating in your head.
Alongside the videos, there are often helpful extras to download, too, such as the transcript and vocabulary lists.
Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/LearnFrenchWithFrencheezi/featured
8. Oh La La I Speak French
Oh La La I Speak French may not be uploading videos anymore, but there’s plenty of old videos to go through to practice your French. There are playlists with videos dedicated to lessons for beginners, intermediates, slang and swear words, and vocabulary for traveling to French-speaking countries.
Plus, if you’re looking to move away from French lessons on YouTube and into more real-life French, check out the web series.
Here, imagine a Netflix show in French but designed for learners. There are two seasons to watch which follow the adventures of two sisters in Los Angeles and Paris. The language is simple, spoken very slowly and you’ll get hooked on the story, so it’s easy to binge-watch.
Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/ohlalafrench
Want Even More Structured Lessons?
Brush Up on Your Français Before Diving Into These French YouTube Channels!
Download the Pimsleur app and get a free all-access week of French language lessons to start listening, speaking, and practicing your French and you’ll be understanding these channels en français in no time.
3 Comments for "Top YouTube Channels to Practice French"
I have been searching for an article on this.. Finally it is here. Thanks for sharing.. Really helped me out during my trip to France..