Spanish Accent Marks

Rules for Spanish Accent Marks – Everything You Need to Know

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When and How to Use Accent Marks in Spanish

In Spanish, the spelling of two words may look exactly the same except for one tiny detail: an accent mark. Amazingly, this small feature will completely change the meaning of the word! 

For example, if you were to say el Papa (the pope), we would know that you are talking about the pope. In turn, if you were to say el papá (the father) with an emphasis on the last á, you would actually be referring to the dad.

As you can see, it is extremely important to understand when to use Spanish accent marks, also known as Spanish tildes. Otherwise, you might accidentally write the wrong word and completely miscommunicate your idea.

In this article, we will discuss:

  • Accents (the syllable that is stressed when a word is spoken aloud)
  • Accent marks or tildes (the visual marker above a letter)

What is the Difference Between an Accent and an Accent Mark

In general, all words (in all languages) have accents, which can be defined as the stress given to a single syllable of a given word.

For example, in English, we have the nouns progress, object, rebel, record…whose stress falls in the first syllable, but on the other hand, we have the verbs progress, object, rebel, record, whose stress falls in the last syllable.

How do we know in English where the stress will be placed? Obviously by context, right?In Spanish, however, we have an additional way to recognize where to place the stress, and it is by means of accent marks or tildes. (Be aware that the name tilde is also given to the little trace written above the n to build the ñ, or below the c to build the ç, a letter which doesn’t exist in Spanish today but is present in many other Romance languages. For simplicity, we will use “accent mark” in this article.)

Why Are Spanish Accent Marks Important?

Accent Marks

Some Spanish words contain Spanish letters with accent marks, which make it easier to distinguish where to pronounce the important stress or accent. In Spanish, they look like á, é, í, ó, and ú – an acute accent mark directly above a vowel. The acute accent mark is a clear indicator that the speaker will stress, or accent, that syllable when they speak it aloud. For example, the accent mark over the “o” in nación is a clear indication that the stress or accent is on the last syllable (nah-see-OHN). 


The tricky part is that every single word in the Spanish language has a stressed syllable – the key part of a word pronounced with more emphasis or stress than the other syllables – but not all words have accent marks that visually show which part is accented. 

For example, when a Spanish speaker pronounces the word gato (cat), the emphasis naturally falls on the penultimate syllable, so the speaker says, “GAH-toh” and not “gah-TOH.

Understanding accents and accent marks in Spanish is important for both speaking and writing the language. As we’ll see, Spanish accent mark rules aren’t that complicated – they just take some getting used to. Before we discover when to use accent marks in Spanish, let’s contrast the difference between an accent and Spanish letters with accent marks – and also learn a little about how some Spanish words are stressed (accentuated). 
If you’re not sure how to use accent marks in Spanish, keep reading!

Basic Rules for Using Accent Marks in Spanish: Rules of Accentuation

These rules will be helpful for two reasons:

  1. The first time you see a word, you will be able to pronounce it, placing the stress on the right syllable.
  2. When you hear a word, you will be able to write it in the correct form, because you already know where to place the stress.

According to where the stress is placed in the word, Spanish words are classified as follows:


The stress is placed on the last syllable of the word.

Examples: nación, nacional.

Both are examples of agudas words, but one of them carries a graphic accent and the other one does not.


The stress falls on the next to last syllable.

Examples:c, lápiz.

Both are examples of llanas words, but one of them carries a graphic accent and the other one does not.


The stress falls on the third to last syllable or before (for longer words the stress may fall on the fourth, fifth, etc. syllable from the last).

Examples:  sábado, América, música.

Keeping that in mind, we have the following rules of accentuation.

How to Know When to Use Accent Marks in Spanish

The rules for accent marks in Spanish are framed in terms of pronunciation, location, natural stress, and other variables.

Spanish vowels are always pronounced the same, but a vowel with an accent mark will be the stressed syllable. . The Spanish letters with accent marks (where appropriate) are always the five vowels – thankfully, the same 5 vowels used in English – a, e, i, o, and u – and yes, there are some English and Spanish words spelled exactly the same. And for natural stress, which may or may not receive Spanish accent marks, it all comes down to the ending letter of a word. If a word concludes in a vowel, the letter “n”, or “s”, the stress falls on the penultimate syllable. For any other ending letter in the Spanish alphabet, the stress is on the final syllable. Let’s see how this applies to the rules for accent marks in Spanish:

1. Aguda

When a word is aguda, a graphic accent is placed on the vowel only when the word ends in n, s, or a vowel:

Ratón, jamás, colibrí (here the stress falls on the last syllable and the word ends in n, s, or vowel, so a graphic accent is needed).

Cantar, mujer, parasol (here the stress falls on the last syllable but the word does not end in an n, s, or vowel, so no graphic accent is needed).

2. Llana

When the word is llana, the graphic accent is placed on the vowel of the stressed syllable only when the word does not end in n, s, or vowel:

Ámbar, fácil, cáliz, árbol (here the stress falls on the next to last syllable and the word does not end in n, s or vowel, so a graphic accent is needed).

Fruta, antes, orden (here the stress falls on the next to last syllable and the word ends in n, s, or vowel, so no graphic accent is needed).

3. Esdrújula

When the word is esdrújula, a graphic accent is always used.

Tips to Keep in Mind

  • Knowing when a word is aguda or llana can be challenging, as the separation of syllables is not always so clear.
  • There are also diphthongs (syllables with two vowels), triphthongs (syllables with three vowels), and hiatus (words that have two or more vowels together but do not belong to the same syllable).

Diacritic graphic accent (Tilde diacrítica) is the one that is not governed by the above rules and it is used to distinguish words that have the same form but different meanings:

Diacritic Graphic Accents Are Used to Distinguish between Common Spanish Homonyms

Spanish Homonym without accentSpanish Homonym with accent
de Preposition:
Este libro es de mi madre.
“This book is from my mother.”
Imperative of dar:
Dé recuerdos a su hija de mi parte.
“Give my regards to your daughter. “
el Article:
El coche está sucio.
“The car is dirty.”
él Personal pronoun:
Él se llama Juan.
“His name is Juan.”
mas Conjunction:
Es bonito, MAS es muy caro.
“It’s nice, BUT it’s very expensive.”
más Adjective:
Alicia es MÁS alta que María.
“Alicia is taller (more tall) than Maria.”
mi Possessive:
Andrés es mi amigo.
“Andres is my friend.”
Personal pronoun:
Dámelo a mí.
“Give it to me.”
se Pronoun:
Se lo dije un montón de veces.
“I told him a bunch of times.”
Form of verbs ser o saber:
Sé honesto contigo mismo.
“Be honest with yourself.”
Yo sé qué te pasa.
“I know what’s wrong with you.”
si Conjunction:
Si mientes, lo sabré.
“If you lie, I’ll know.”
Sí, gracias.
“Yes, thank you.”
te Personal pronoun: Te quiero.
“I love you.”
¿Quieres beber un té?
“Do you want to drink some tea?”
tu Possessive: Tengo tu libro.
“I have your book.”

Spanish Homonym without accent

Spanish Homonym with accent

Este libro es de mi madre.
“This book is from my mother.”

Imperative of dar:
Dé recuerdos a su hija de mi parte.
“Give my regards to your daughter. “
El coche está sucio.
“The car is dirty.”
Personal pronoun:
Él se llama Juan.
“His name is Juan.”
Es bonito, MAS es muy caro.
“It’s nice, BUT it’s very expensive.”
Alicia es MÁS alta que María.
“Alicia is taller (more tall) than Maria.”
Andrés es mi amigo.
“Andres is my friend.”

Personal pronoun:
Dámelo a mí.
“Give it to me.”
Se lo dije un montón de veces.
“I told him a bunch of times.”

Form of verbs ser o saber:
Sé honesto contigo mismo.
“Be honest with yourself.”
Yo sé qué te pasa.
“I know what’s wrong with you.”

This is something that’s sometimes even hard for native Spanish speakers. Don’t panic, though. With consistency and practice, these rules will soon become second nature!

Enhance Your Spanish with Proper Accent Mark Usage

So now that you’re more familiar with Spanish accent mark rules, you’re better equipped to read and write Spanish text as well as speak it out loud. As you practice, notice different Spanish letters with accent marks, try stressing those syllables, and you’ll be training your “ear,” and reinforcing the rules for accent marks in Spanish. It’s a great way to expand your understanding of one of the world’s most commonly spoken languages. And while you’re acquiring Spanish, here are some helpful websites to keep in mind. Learning a new language like Spanish is challenging, especially because it can be difficult to practice speaking. That’s why the Pimsleur Method, with its emphasis on listening and speaking, is used by curious learners around the world. We simplify the process and help you learn like a child!

Take Your Spanish to the Next Level!

The good news is, once you connect your tongue with your thoughts, fluency isn’t so hard to achieve after all. Learn how to speak Latin American Spanish or Castilian Spanish with Pimsleur and take your conversational Spanish to the next level!Give us 30 minutes a day, and we’ll have you speaking your new language in no time. That’s all it takes for you to confidently inquire about prices, order dinner, ask for (or offer) directions – in your new language – and all with a near-native accent. Just listen, respond and learn to converse in … Spanish while driving … Japanese while jogging … French while cooking. It really is that portable and flexible. So what are you waiting for? When it comes to building actual conversational skills, nothing compares to the proven Pimsleur Method.

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